Starting in 2021, the Grange Homeowners Association will be charging GST on all fees. Our Auditor for the fiscal year of 2019, Cass & Fraser Chartered Professional Accountants, informed us that we need to collect and remit GST, since our organization makes revenues over $50,000.

Since the start of the Grange Homeowners Association, the Board has understood that collecting GST was not necessary, as we felt that we were acting in the same capacity as a Condominium Board. Condominium fees are GST exempt, as per the CRA guidelines. So, the Board felt it was necessary to seek the advice of a tax law expert. On the recommendation of our legal advisors at Parlee McLaws LLP, we reached out to BDO Canada LLP. An accountant within BDO Canada LLP, has confirmed that in fact Homeowners Associations, such as ours, have to collect and remit GST. The same accountant will be working on our behalf registering for GST and correcting our historic GST accounting.