Mulch Replacement

2013, 2014, 2016, 2018 & 2019 – Mulch replacement was a phased project originally done every 6 years.

2020 – After much research and the completion of a landscaping tender the board has decided to top up mulch yearly to help maintain the flower beds. This will help with weed control, water retention and provide nutrients to the many perennials located throughout our neighbourhood.

Areas for mulch top up are being identified by the landscaper and will be completed in June, 2020. Some of the areas identified in the tender are E, D, F, U, V, DD, EE, FF, Q

2021 – Top up of mulch was added to the following mulch beds H, D, E, R

2022 – Mulch top-up completed in 10 beds throughout the community.  If you refer to our map they were R, B, I, L, E, J, K, C, M, N.

2023 – It was noted that problem areas are LL, II, JJ, X, V, Y, U.

2024 – Mulch top up is required so we’re petitioning the City to see if they will provide the mulch if we do the work.